"Živjo, kako si? Kako gre?"
"Kris, potrebujem uslugo. Nujno!"
"Ok? A je kaj narobe?"
"Narobe ne. A nujno potrebujem vizo za vstop v ZDA. New York. Prosim!"
"Zakaj pa sedaj to?"
"Julija je tam."
"Julija? V ZDA? Res? Kako pa to veš?"
"Očitno je našla način, da so se ji končno uresničile sanje. V New Yorku je. Na Facebooku je objavila pred kakšno uro ali dvema, a nisem vmes nič preverjal. Sem imel kar dosti dela z vsem. Prosim! Kris! Viza!" ga skoraj prestrašeno roti Klemen.
"Ja, ok. Ni problema. Poznam osebo, ki lahko te zadeve uredi na hitro. Ti sporočim takoj, ko bo urejeno. In ... Klemen?"
"Julija ti res veliko pomeni, a ne?"
V Klemnovih očeh se pojavijo solze.
"Vedno mi je pomenila veliko. Zadnje čase pa jo močno pogrešam. Vem, da sem daleč stran in da sem šel samo za mesec dni. A si nisem mislil, da bo tako težko."
"Kdo bi si mislil. Moj mali bratec se je zaljubil. Tako močno, da se je zanjo pripravljen boriti tudi na drugi strani oceana."
Klemen se plašno, a nekako miren v duši, nasmehne.
"Veš, tu imava mogoče dejansko možnost. Tu sva stran od vseh. Tu ni sodelavcev. Ni mojih prijateljev, družine in podobnih, ki bi mogoče lahko uleteli takrat, ko ni treba. Ni njenih. Tudi ona je sama tu. Imava realno možnost, da v miru sedeva in se pogovoriva na štiri oči."
"Potem pa to le stori. Te pokličem nazaj," reče Kris in prekine.
Približno eno uro kasneje nekje sredi Kanade zazvoni telefon. Klemen je na ta klic sicer čakal, ni pa si mislil, da bo šlo tako hitro. Mogoče pa je kdo drug ...
"Prosim?" se oglasi, a se istočasno spomni, da tega tu ne bo nihče razumel. Tu govorijo angleško.
"Klemen, jaz sem. Urejeno. Imaš na mailu." se na drugi strani razburjeno, a navdušeno oglasi Kris.
"Kaj? Kako na mailu?" je ves zmeden Klemen.
"To se da danes vse hitro urediti. Imaš elektronsko verzijo. Lahko si jo stiskaš in jo imaš ob sebi. Lahko pa enostavno, ko bo potrebno, dokument pokažeš preko telefona. Tam je drugače. Niso tako za časom kot smo mi." mu z velikim nasmehom na obrazu razlaga Kris. "In ker te zelo dobro poznam, ti lahko tudi rečem, da samo pojdi do letališča in odleti."
"Kaj misliš s tem, da me dobro poznaš?"
"Klemen, res misliš, da ne vem, da si imel vse spakirano že preden si me klical?" in mu pomežikne. Telefon, preko katerega sta govorila, je imel namreč storitev video klica.
Klemen na hitro steče v spalnico in v sekundi pride ven s kovčki. Bežno se mu uspe nasmehniti v kamero.
"Vso srečo, bratec! Naj bo uspešno!" za njim zavpije Kris in prekine klic.
Julija se zasanjano zagleda v daljavo. Toliko let je sanjala o New Yorku. Sedaj pa ga gleda z najlepše možne razgledne točke, s Kipa Svobode. V oči ji stopijo solze. Res je že mislila, da tega ne bo nikoli doživela.
"Miss, we are moving to the other part of the statue. ... Em, would you prefer staying here until we come back?" jo vpraša vodič, ki je sicer videl že veliko turistov, nikoli pa ni še nikogar videl tako očaranega kot je bila Julija točno tisti trenutek.
"Yes, please. If you don't mind. I need to experience this in full."
"How come you have never seen this before? Have you never been to this part of the States?"
"I'm not an American. I come from Europe. This little country near Italy which is totally different from the States. Well, if you don't consider all the tries of imitating this country."
"Really? But the accent ..."
"I have lived for English my entire life. I fell in love with it at an early age. I also have a BA in English."
"Oh, ok. But still. Your accent is really genuine."
"Thank you ..."
"I'll leave you to it then."
"Thank you, I really appreciate it."
Vodič nato skliče preostalo skupino in z njo oddide na drugi konec.
Julija se enostavno ne more naužiti razgleda. Želi si, da bi ga lahko vpila in na koncu teh počitnic vzela s sabo domov. Ali pa da bi se kar naselila tu. Tako je veličasten. Večni New York. Mešanica številnih kultur, ljudi, poklicev, družin, ... Vse to je skrito med temi nebotičniki, ki se važno nastavljajo soncu. Občutki so tako močni, da ji takoj steče nekaj solz po licu.
"Točno tale razgled sem hotel videti," reče nekdo v ozadju.
"A ne? Tudi jaz se ..." in utihne, saj ji naenkrat postane jasno, da sredi ZDA nekdo z njo govori slovensko. Nekdo, čigar glas ji je domač. Tako domač, a ji istočasno zna pognati vso kri po žilah s takšno močjo, da ji vzame sapo. Počasi se obrne proti glasu.
Pred sabo zagleda Klemna.
"Kaj ... Kaj pa ti tukaj?" vsa presenečena Julija komaj kaj izdavi.
"Videl sem, da ti je končno uspel podvig v smeri tvoje največje želje. Hotel sem biti prisoten, da vidim to srečo. Zato sem priletel v ZDA. Takoj sem vedel, kje te bom našel."
Julija ne more verjeti svojim očem. Vedela je, da je 4. julija odletel iz Slovenije. Vedela je, da ga cel mesec ne bo nazaj. Četudi je omenil, da se bo javil iz Kanade, je dvomila v te besede. Imel naj bi veliko dela za tisti mesec. Verjetno bodo vse druge stvari večje prioritete. Verjetno si tisto, da pa on mogoče res nekaj čuti do nje, samo domišlja. Takšne in podobne stvari so šle skozi njene misli še preden je sploh odpotoval. Sedaj pa se je pojavil pred njo na razgledni točki Kipa svobode. V New Yorku. V Združenih državah Amerike. Ko naj bi bil v Kanadi.
Ker Julija nekaj časa ne spregovori, se pazljivo oglasi Klemen: "A je narobe, da sem prišel?"
"Ne!" skoraj zavpije Julija, ker noče med njima nobenega nesporazuma več. Nato globoko vdihne in nadaljuje mirneje: "Sploh veš, kako lepo te je videti?"
Klemnov obraz ponovno zažari: "Res?"
Julija pokima: "Kako to, da si tu?"
"Po pravici povedano ..."
Klemen se ustavi, nato pa korajžno nadaljuje.
"I ... am in love with you. I adore you so much that it hurts when you are not near me. I have been crazy about you for more than a year. It literally hurt every time you pulled away, and I didn't know what to do. You once said that you prefer expressing yourself in English, so here it is. I want you to know exactly how I feel about you. You are my heart, my soul, and my sunshine every time I see you. Even if it is through Facebook. I can't think about anything else but you every morning right when I wake up and throughout the day. I never really had an opportunity to say or do anything because there were people around us most of the time. Here, it is just you and I. I saw that you finally got an opportunity to travel to the States, that that huge dream of yours finally came true, and I wanted to be part of it. At the same time I knew I could get a chance to finally tell you the truth. If you don't feel the same thing for me, I will accept it, I promise. But I needed to tell you the truth."
Juliji so solze tekle po licih v potokih. Besede, na katere je tako dolgo čakala, so končno našle pot do nje. Moški, za katerim je norela z vsakim dnem bolj, je do nje čutil vse tisto, kar je ona skoraj ves čas tlačila čim globlje samo zato, da ne bi uničila odnosa z njim. Rad jo ima. Zaljubljen je v njo. Pa še zapomnil si je, da se ona lažje izraža v angleškem jeziku in se je zato potrudil, da vse pove tudi on na takšen način. In ne samo to. Še iz Kanade je priletel v ZDA, da bi ji lahko povedal vse to. Le s čim si je vse to zaslužila? Je to vse res ali samo sanja?
Skozi solze ji le uspe izdaviti, "Klemen, ko bi ti vedel, kako dolgo sem čakala na te besede. Res sem opazila čisto vsako pozornost, ki sem jo prejela s tvoje strani. A me je bilo strah upati na kar koli. Kar koli bi ti povedala, bi lahko uničila odnos, ki se je razvil do sedaj. Tega nisem hotela izgubiti za nobeno ceno. A to ne pomeni, da mi pomeniš kaj manj. Ravno nasprotno. Tudi predstavljati si ne moreš, kako nora sem nate. Kako sem vsak dan hrepenela po tem, da te srečam. Pa četudi za samo kratek čas. Upala sem na vsak najmanjši nasmešek s svoje strani. Ko je včasih bil ta ogromen, sem se topila. Takrat je bilo najtežje kontrolirati moja čustva. Vsak dan znova sem se trudila, da sem bila profesionalna. Da ti ne bi preveč zakomplicirala življenja. Šola je tvoj dom. Ti si bil tam prej. Nisem hotela, da se počutiš neprijetno v primeru, da do mene ne bi čutil ničesar. Obožujem te! Obožujem vse, kar si in kar počneš. Obožujem tvoj nasmeh, tvojo pojavo, tvojo bližino, ki me sicer prikupno zmede, a me zmede, obožujem tvoj glas, stas. Vse, kar predstavljaš! Ko je prišel tisti 4. julij, mi je krvavelo srce. Vedela sem, da sicer odhajaš nekam, kjer boš užival. In če ti vse to skupaj pomeni vsaj pol toliko, kolikor meni pomeni potovanje v ZDA, potem vem, da je to veliko, in hočem, da to izkusiš. Ker hočem, da si srečen. Tudi če bi to pomenilo, da si srečen brez mene. Zaslužiš si vso srečo sveta. Res si jo. Zame si naredil toliko, kolikor še nihče ni naredil. Toliko pozornosti. Toliko vsega. In zaradi vsega tega sem se vsakič znova še bolj zaljubila vate. V srce si se prikradel tako tiho, a obenem tako intenzivno in nežno. Obožujem te do vesolja in nazaj."
Tudi Klemen ni več zdržal. Sunkovito se je približal Juliji, ji s svojimi dlanmi nežno objel obraz in jo poljubil tako nežno, a strastno kot da je prvič in zadnjič. Tako dolgo je čakal na takšno priložnost. Sedaj je bil njen. Tako kot je ona bila njegova.
When you need some sugar...
When the heart forms stories, dreams, and they just have to come out... even if only in a story. Maybe with lexical, grammatical, or any other errors, but here fingers type what the heart whispers.
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Sunday, December 16, 2012
To you, my destiny, my poison, my lesson, or whatever it is that you are...
I still can't believe it has been so long already since I met you. Can you believe that it feels like yesterday? My only reaction then was, 'I want a boss like that, too.' Because I was impressed by your poise, and the fact that you knew how to dress. Your clothes were nothing but business, and you looked your best wearing them. But that was it. For then.
A few months later my life changed. More than I had ever expected...
Good? Yes! Because you opened my heart more than any other man before. Because you had shown me that you can adore a person from the bottom of your heart and soul. That someone can actually become your life, your world. Did I love you? Yes! More than I had ever thought I could. I loved your smile, your laugh, your voice, the winks you used to give me. I loved the fact that you used to follow your wishes, your desires, everything which made you happier. Do I really need to continue? I just loved everything about you. Yes, everything. Even the fact that you were a smoker didn't bother me. Because I loved you. And it was your choice. You're an adult... Just... everything...
Bad? Yes! Because you took all of the above and used it against me. In almost every possible way. You made me trust you. You got me a job. And for the first time in my life, I actually was naive enough to think that maybe you saw potential in me even if you didn't know me yet. Instead, I was just an opportunity for you to gain more. More of what is what you yourself know. And, yes, I know it, too. Although you might have thought otherwise. Somewhere deep down I knew. But I refused to believe it.
I can't say I haven't learned anything from this... experience (if I can call it that). I have learned A LOT. Mostly about me. About my strength, my character, what I can do. I don't hate you if that's what you think. I have gone through many stages of recuperation. Deep pain due to disappointment and insult, fear (I still don't quite understand this stage), apathy (because I needed to let go, to not think about you, to not connect you to everything that had been going on in my life; all of that hurt too much), anger and even rage at times, then a different kind of apathy where I simply chose (because this time I could and I had the strength to do it) not to care.
The latter brought me to where I am today. I don't worry about you anymore. Because my heart finally understands that you don't care, that you are not the person I had thought you were.
But you know what? It doesn't hurt anymore that you don't care or that you don't love me. What does hurt at least a bit every once in a while is that you are NOT the person I had actually loved and who I, yes, I think I can admit that, still love in my own way. I fell in love with a wonderful man, a great person with the purest heart, with the desire to accomplish something, and with the best intentions possible. A fairytale, you might think? Yes, because that person isn't you. No matter how much I would want you to be. And when I feel like daydreaming about my life and my future, I live in that dream. I dream that you actually are that person and I dream of so many things we could have been and could have done if that were the case. And sometimes, just sometimes, it stings a bit that we could have been all that if only...
I hope life treats you well. Actually I don't have any doubt that it does. I just hope that some day you get to realize that what you did was wrong. If nothing else, that you were truly loved by a woman who used to worship the ground you walked on in the purest way possible. You were loved no matter what. And somewhere, maybe in a parallel dimension, there are you and I who made the right choice, who make a wonderful, perfect item, and love each other just for who they are.
And that is the dream I am silently holding on to while I am slowly coming to the last page of this workbook. A workbook with lessons on you being my destiny, then my drug and poison, and lastly my 101st lesson, ...
A few months later my life changed. More than I had ever expected...
Good? Yes! Because you opened my heart more than any other man before. Because you had shown me that you can adore a person from the bottom of your heart and soul. That someone can actually become your life, your world. Did I love you? Yes! More than I had ever thought I could. I loved your smile, your laugh, your voice, the winks you used to give me. I loved the fact that you used to follow your wishes, your desires, everything which made you happier. Do I really need to continue? I just loved everything about you. Yes, everything. Even the fact that you were a smoker didn't bother me. Because I loved you. And it was your choice. You're an adult... Just... everything...
Bad? Yes! Because you took all of the above and used it against me. In almost every possible way. You made me trust you. You got me a job. And for the first time in my life, I actually was naive enough to think that maybe you saw potential in me even if you didn't know me yet. Instead, I was just an opportunity for you to gain more. More of what is what you yourself know. And, yes, I know it, too. Although you might have thought otherwise. Somewhere deep down I knew. But I refused to believe it.
I can't say I haven't learned anything from this... experience (if I can call it that). I have learned A LOT. Mostly about me. About my strength, my character, what I can do. I don't hate you if that's what you think. I have gone through many stages of recuperation. Deep pain due to disappointment and insult, fear (I still don't quite understand this stage), apathy (because I needed to let go, to not think about you, to not connect you to everything that had been going on in my life; all of that hurt too much), anger and even rage at times, then a different kind of apathy where I simply chose (because this time I could and I had the strength to do it) not to care.
The latter brought me to where I am today. I don't worry about you anymore. Because my heart finally understands that you don't care, that you are not the person I had thought you were.
But you know what? It doesn't hurt anymore that you don't care or that you don't love me. What does hurt at least a bit every once in a while is that you are NOT the person I had actually loved and who I, yes, I think I can admit that, still love in my own way. I fell in love with a wonderful man, a great person with the purest heart, with the desire to accomplish something, and with the best intentions possible. A fairytale, you might think? Yes, because that person isn't you. No matter how much I would want you to be. And when I feel like daydreaming about my life and my future, I live in that dream. I dream that you actually are that person and I dream of so many things we could have been and could have done if that were the case. And sometimes, just sometimes, it stings a bit that we could have been all that if only...
I hope life treats you well. Actually I don't have any doubt that it does. I just hope that some day you get to realize that what you did was wrong. If nothing else, that you were truly loved by a woman who used to worship the ground you walked on in the purest way possible. You were loved no matter what. And somewhere, maybe in a parallel dimension, there are you and I who made the right choice, who make a wonderful, perfect item, and love each other just for who they are.
And that is the dream I am silently holding on to while I am slowly coming to the last page of this workbook. A workbook with lessons on you being my destiny, then my drug and poison, and lastly my 101st lesson, ...
Sunday, April 29, 2012
True love is immortal...
“A., are you sure that J. didn't get married that year? When she
graduated? ... Or in the meantime, until now...?” S. appeared behind A.’s back out of nowhere. A. didn’t even know he was
already back from visiting one of his business partners.
“What? No. Why?”
“Well, she’s sick, her balance is weak, and she’s lacking strength every
once in a while (too often, though)… It’s just that… Well, it sounds like
“What is this all of a sudden? These questions just don’t stop. Since
when do you even care? You didn’t before. Why know? What’s different?”
This time S. just couldn’t keep
quiet. Something inside him broke. He was just too worried after he had seen J.
pass out in the middle of the store. The girls managed to wake her up, and she seemed
ok afterwards, before she left. But he remembered all of those comments she had
had on her Twitter profile. She felt sick or dizzy or she couldn’t keep awake
for no apparent reason. That just wasn’t her. And after all this time, even if
he hadn’t said anything to her, even if they didn’t stay in contact, or they
didn’t even speak when they saw each other, no matter what anyone else thought,
he had never stopped loving her. Even when he saw a ring on her finger soon
after she had graduated, and it broke his heart because he though he had lost
her to another man who was more persistent and had more courage to love her.
Now, he just couldn’t stand people accusing him that he just didn’t care. Not
having her love anymore was more than enough without that.
“I've always cared. The only thing that's different is that I didn't say
anything before, and now I am.”
After everything A. had heard and
seen, she just couldn’t believe her ears.
“Who are you kidding? Why are trying to mess with her head? Do you have
any idea how hurt she was about this? And you used her? You think she doesn’t
know that? Just because she hasn’t said or done anything in this time, that
doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what happened.”
“I…” S.
tried to defend himself with all the strength in his body and character he
possessed, but A. wouldn’t let him.
“YOU wanted her out of your life! YOU PUSHED her out! That’s the
decision YOU took. Live with it!”
This comment bothered him even more.
His body started to tremble, there was fear inside of him he had never
experienced before. He felt like a child again, and at the same time he felt he
had to prove somehow that they had all been wrong about him, about his
intentions, about what he really wanted. He couldn’t hide his truth anymore.
What he had done was wrong. He never had the courage to express his feelings
before because of that. But now he just couldn’t keep it to himself anymore. On
the outside he seemed calm. On the inside, however, he was going crazy. The
truth had to be told because it burnt him straight to the core.
“I LOVE J.! Is that what you wanted to hear? I always have! From the
first day I met her! And, yes, I know it wasn’t just before the summer. I first
met her somewhere in April when we were still in the old part of this company
or store or… whatever… That’s why I didn’t participate in the conversation as
much. That’s why I just left soon afterwards. Because she already amazed me
right then, right there. And that has never stopped. Ever! The love has just
grown. With everything she has ever said, done. With just being her.”
“What is this? A., I need you about something.” J. just entered the rear
part of the store and happened to hear the last speech S. had. A. turned
around, saw J., and responded with relief, “J.! Great! You two need to talk.”
“No, I need to talk to YOU about something. And it doesn’t have anything
to do with him.”
“No, YOU TWO need to talk,” and she left.
“J., I…” Full
of fear, but at the same time full of what he had always felt and had always
been so strong S. wanted to explain himself, something that should have been
done so many years ago, but hadn’t been.
“No… Don’t even think about repeating what you have just said.” All of a sudden J. felt one of the
strongest forms of fear she had ever felt in her life. So many years ago she
had wanted to talk to him about the entire situation because there were so many
things left unsaid and so many of them needed to be explained. Years then went
by and she accepted the fact that something like that would never happen. She
simply believed that maybe, just maybe, this was best for everyone. That maybe
this was how things should be. After all these years then she didn’t feel
anything for him anyway. He was part of her past. That past which should stay
in the past. Now, all of a sudden, she didn’t trust herself anymore as far as
he was concerned. The man standing in front of her wanted to talk, and a few
minutes ago he had said all of those words she had always craved for so much but
had never been spoken before. The man she had loved and adored so much was
looking her straight into her eyes with the love in his eyes she had never seen
before. Where was the indifference she had for him just moments before?
Something she thought she had finally left behind was boiling over inside her
chest. With no warning. The girls had said he wasn’t in. That he had left to
see one of his business partners, and that he was not expected to return soon
because they had a lot to deal with. Why was he here? Why was SHE here? She
knew she should have stopped coming to this store for good. This was bound to
happen, and it really shouldn’t have.
‘Don’t trust him. You know that everything coming out of his mouth has been
nothing but lies. Lethal lies which hurt you. The kind which took way too much
energy every single time. Don’t! Stop!’ were the thoughts going through her
head. She couldn’t help but forming plans how to escape and consequently stop
him from saying anything more than that.
“J. …” S. nonetheless tried to make her listen.
This was the chance for him to finally tell the real story. And to ask for
forgiveness for using her. For even thinking about doing something like that.
The only thing he had on his mind at that point is that he needed her to listen,
to understand, and maybe forgive. He needed her to believe him that he was
“No! I’m not trying to be mean or to hurt you or anything like that. But
you decided to not have me in your life. And as difficult as it had been for
me, God knows I had tried to change that, I let go of that. Because it hurt too
much, and dealing with it took too much energy, even physical. But I let go.
Because you forced me to. Don’t even TRY to do anything else to make me believe
that you think otherwise NOW.”
“Now and always. Nothing has changed, J., I have always wanted you in my
life. But I knew I had made a mistake, and that’s why I didn’t know what to say
to make things better… You do believe me, don’t you?”
“Seriously, after everything that had happened, and after all the
ignorance I have gotten from you, even until this day, you expect me to believe
anything you have to say? How do you expect me to do that? I trusted you back
then. Because YOU made me believe I COULD. That you were trustworthy. That
nothing would go wrong, and if it would, that you would make things better. But
you never did. It was just like I
had done something wrong, and I knew I hadn’t. You had no right to judge me! Or
to use me for that matter.”
“I didn’t judge you. I swear I didn’t. …”
“Could you two, please, keep it down? Or go to your office, S.
Everything can be heard in the store, and, yes, everyone there is listening.” A. came back to stop them from being
so loud. Trying to prove their own points and deal with their own fears the best
way they could, S. and J. never noticed that their voices were becoming louder
and louder. Hearing that, S. grabbed J. by her hand and pulled her to the store
which was full of customers at that point.
“Hello, everyone. I know that you probably heard the main part of our
conversation. I’m not going to apologize for that if that’s ok with you. I’ve
got nothing to hide. You see, this is the woman I met four years ago. In April
– yes, J., I do remember that was our first day.”
Every person in the store stopped
what they were doing, and they just couldn’t stop listening to what the manager
of the store they were at that point in had to say. S. continued because for
the first time after a really long time he was calm. This just simply felt
“I was extremely amazed by everything she represented. That was
something new for me. I had never, or now in the mean time, felt something like
that. Day by day, month by month, and year by year, she has been turning into
the woman of my dreams… the love of my life. Yes, I know I made a terrible
mistake right that year which hurt her tremendously, humiliated her, made her
disappointed about me, consequently made her stop trusting me. That is
something I will NEVER stop regretting. But one thing is true and will always
be! I have loved her from the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my soul.
She is my everything and will be ‘till the day I die. No matter what happens, she
has my heart, and quite honestly I don’t even want it back. Because I know that
it’s in good hands. I know that what I did was wrong, so wrong, and I
understand that she cannot believe anything I say. I just hope that some day
her heart will allow her to believe that she is my whole life, and that no woman
will ever replace her in my heart.”
S. felt completely calm, fulfilled,
and yet somewhat sad. He knew that what he did was right. It might not change
things between the two of them, but at least she knew how he felt. His secret
was out. She heard it, and what had until then represented his life – his workplace
–, they all heard what his heart had to say. Everyone would soon know. But that
was ok. He wanted everyone to know that the love the manager of this store felt
for her was probably the purest thing in him. Then he looked deeply into her
eyes which were already watering more than J. wanted.
“I know that considering everything you probably perceive me as a
monster, as someone who could do nothing more but hurt you with everything I
do. But you see, all in all, Julia Roberts in Notting Hill said it best.
Truthfully, I’m just a man… standing in front a woman… asking her to love him.
Because this man… will always love the woman standing right in front of me.”
With the feeling of loss, but also
the feeling of finally doing something right, S. turned around and walked away.
The office at that point seemed like the right shelter.
The store was quiet. It was still
full of people, but none of them knew what to say. They had never seen
something like that happen in reality, even less right in front of them. This
was something people usually saw in movies, soap operas, not real life. J. was
stiff. Her heart was racing, her chest was full of something really good, but
what bothered her was the battle which was taking place between her heart and
her mind. The first was telling her to let go, to love him, to run to him. The
latter, however, was warning her about situations like that. She knew that she
had gotten her hopes up so many times before, and she always ended up getting severely
The office seemed so empty that day.
The door behind S. closed, and it seemed as if with that he left that world
right there, outside. No matter what he would do, it would not come back. He
locked himself out. And J. stayed there. He would never see her again. Stupid door, you locked me out. You
separated me from her. He could no longer restrain himself; the tears began
to fall, and they hurt. They burnt his cheeks.
“How can I know that you’re telling the truth this time? How can I know
that this isn’t just another case of me wanting to give a chance, and then
ending up getting stabbed straight through my heart because for whatever reason
you choose not to know me anymore again?”
S. thought he was dreaming. After
hearing a familiar voice, the only one which meant the world to him, he turned
around, and saw J. standing in his office. She was different this time. S.
didn’t feel the resistance he had felt the years before that. She was like the
light at the end of the tunnel he had been in since he came back to the office,
and that period felt so long. He felt something which was foreign to him these
past few years – he felt hope. It was getting stronger and stronger with every
minute that went by.
“You want to give this a chance? Still?” S. couldn’t believe his ears, but he didn’t
want to miss the opportunity.
“That’s what I’m asking YOU. Because I… I don’t know if I could survive
another disappointment…”
S. carefully stepped closer to J.,
held her hand, and pressed it to his chest.
“Do you feel this? I haven’t felt my heart race this much for ages. And if
there is anything I have learnt from this with you is that the heart never
lies. Even if you would want it to sometimes. I don’t know what to do or say to
make you believe me that what I feel is probably the most honest fact in my
entire life. Don’t get me wrong… I understand that you being skeptic after
everything is more than expected. But I soooo wish you would believe my
feelings... I have had many wishes in my life. The biggest one I have right now
is for you to give me a chance. If you can… I promise I will do whatever… Just…
Let’s give us a chance! I know we could be so great!”
J. was confronted with one of the
biggest dilemmas in her life. On one hand, she still remembered how she had
felt every single time she got disappointed because of him, and how much it
hurt in the end. He had been her worst addiction. On the other hand, she knew
that she had never felt like this before and that after this she would probably
always wonder what it would have been like if she wouldn’t take a chance with
someone she adored. Yes, she knew there was no doubt about that; she was still
crazy about him. It wasn’t just her heart this time, even her mind was starting
to believe his words.
“I’m scared…”
S. jumped in, not wanting to lose
the opportunity, “I’m scared, too… Terrified…
But maybe that’s a good thing. Because we will try more just because of that. …
I know that you are holding on right now. AND that you’re scared. And that you
want to bail. I admit, it would be the easiest way. But… don’t let go. Please…
I promise you can lean on me about anything. Whenever you’ll be scared, I’m
here to hold you… Whenever you are discouraged about something, I promise I am
always here to cheer you on… J., I’m here… I’m always here… For good! Forever!
I’m your biggest rock just by having you here right next to me. That’s all the
strength I need.”
J. was still trying to run away, but
his words, the hope she could see in his eyes, and for the first time the
honesty those eyes reflected were suddenly offering her this safe, familiar
place she had always been looking for. Slowly, carefully, but with the biggest
desire in his life, S. held J.’s face, still not fully believing he had her
centimeters away from him, and gently, but passionately kissed her. It was as
if he received power, strength, happiness, and everything else positive. But
mostly, it felt right, and it filled his heart with the strongest happiness
which had ever existed. He never wanted the kiss to end. He had her heart;
damaged, fragile, but prepared to fix it the best way possible. He would never
again let anything hurt it. She was crying, and he wasn’t doing any better. But
that was ok. Because those were the tears of the biggest joy. Kissing and
holding her were his newest missions in life. Everything was ok now; everything
was perfect.
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